Saturday, May 8, 2010


Why do parents have to nag so much? I know that my mom and dad love me, but honestly they sometimes get on my nerves. I was going to write a nice post about my trip to Scotland, but I now have to walk all the way with my sister to a friends house. I normally wouldn't have a problem with this but I just have this urge to write and if I go and come back, I don't think I would be in the same mood. Plus I'm not in the best shape and this walk will tired me out especially with my sister running around. Maybe I'm just being too sensitive today. I should've went to bed earlier.Another thing, why does my sister have to cut all her doll beautiful hair off? Is this just a little kid thing? I anoyes me so much to see her just cut off her dolls hair and turn it into a lobsided short haircut. I brings me back to the time when my little brother Aaron cut off all the hair of my Barbie doll in 2001.

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